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Conquering insecurity through a revelation of The Holy Spirit

Atinuke Seriki

Conquering insecurity through a revelation of the Holy Spirit

I am medical student and we have these workshops every Friday called communication skills and we have to speak to volunteer patients then reflect on how we did. The Doctor who runs the workshops always starts with the statement ‘positives first’ because he knows that as medical students or realistically as people, we always talk about our flaws before what we did right. I had a very interesting revelation from God while reading Joel and Acts about the flourishing fire that we have as Christians that should mute every voice in our heads that tries to tell us that our flaws and all we think are wrong with us are the same things God sees when he looks at us.

In Joel 1, the people of Israel have once again sinned against God and God speaks through the prophet Joel initially about the judgement he will bring on the people with a swarm of locusts.

I know what you’re thinking “not another word on doom, gloom and destruction” but the message I caught from this word was far from that. The chapter talks about drought, famine and despair arising from this judgement but a hushed whisper spoke to me that the season of despair is the feeling of life with an absence of the Holy Spirit. This revelation drove me to my knees because every so often we underestimate not only the power but the personality of the Holy Spirit and how that is the exact personality of God living in us. The only images I had in my head when I thought of locusts were pests eating away at everything good. It sounds a lot like sin right?

Sin keeps us from having living water that is the Holy Spirit.

Sin keeps us ashamed, keeps us condemned and the sin that comes from lack of security in Christ IN US is one reason why a lot of people in this world lack true joy, peace and love. They miss the countenance that is obvious in someone who is in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit and perhaps that is why a lot of people can look at themselves with dissatisfaction and condemnation. They don’t see God in themselves.

Psychology is one modules I have to study that I secretly enjoy because the nature of human beings fascinates me. In Acts 1, Jesus taught the disciples about the kingdom of God (this is after He resurrected) but it was time for him to go back to heaven and he told His people to wait for the Holy Spirit which he promised. As he was going back into heaven the people were looking intently into the sky until two men came and said something powerful;

“why do you stand here looking into the sky? this same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven”

Acts 1:11 NIV

Isn’t it weird how people spend so much time looking for things that are already coming or already there. It reminds me of a day I searched high and low for my slippers just to realise that they were on my feet. As silly as it may seem, it humoured me because it reminded me of every time I ever asked God for what He had already given me. Maybe today you are someone who is contending for the Holy Spirit. I want you to step out of yourself and observe your everyday life. Do you live with an Acts 2 revelation where the Holy Spirit came down and never went back again or are you still looking intently at God going away into the sky? Do you look in the mirror and you find it hard to see Jesus or maybe that’s how you look at your circumstances? It’s time to stop looking at your flesh and start looking for God’s Spirit in you.

The reason is in Joel 2 because in that time of famine, God made a well needed promise that meant more than the people understood. God promised rain! It wasn’t just any rain but He promised autumn rain which is translated in Hebrew for a teacher. In Psalm 84:6 David says about those who put their strength in the Lord, “as they pass through the Valleys of weeping, they make it a place of spring; the autumn rains also cover it with blessings”. Wow! This rain is a gift of grace given to us to teach us to walk like Christ not to dwell on fear or worry of insufficiency.

Joel 2:23-24 says; For the rain he sends demonstrates his faithfulness. Once more the autumn rains will come, as well as the rains of spring. 24 The threshing floors will again be piled high with grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil.

New wine is what he has poured into us. New seeds of faith and glory is what he has planted in us and guess what? Its OVERFLOWING. You may look at yourself and see how much the world has told you you’re unable to do or you may hear those voices in your head telling you that there’s something missing in you but let me tell you this. God is wholeness so the moment you have the Holy Spirit in you, you are already made complete and there is nothing that can ever keep you from thriving and stepping into a place of spring except YOU. Just imagine walking through a dark place in your life and all of a sudden, flowers begin to grow, trees spring up, the sun starts shining and the Holy Spirit pours uncontrollably to bless you, build you and help you live in grace.

What we all need to ask ourselves daily is “are we going to constrain ourselves with insecurity, self-condemnation and fear or are we going to dare to step out into droughts not because of ‘self-confidence’ but that ‘God-fidence’ that comes from the revelation that the Holy Spirit lives in us and that God’s promise to pour out his spirit on all people (Joel 2:28) was not empty but one that brought something new into this world. That new Spirit is with us and continuously doing a new thing in us. Look in the mirror and see the fire that the Lord has baptised you with! Regardless of how small you see yourself as or not as clever, a bit too talkative or perhaps you’re one who can’t seem to look past your past sins, listen, FORGET THE FORMER THINGS (Isaiah 43:18)! Do you know why? When God looks at us, all He sees are our hearts and the Spirit inside it that He gave us to pray, praise and love enough to open these same hearts to pour out and water the seeds He has been planting so they can grow.

Stop holding back the fire in you and let it pour out of you like rain because the more you let Him flow out, the more he will come in to sow, fix and bless exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything you can imagine until this amazing work that is your salvation is brought to completion through our faithful Saviour Christ Jesus.

Can I get an Amen?

Love Tinuksx

View the Video Summary Embracing Autumn Rain

A Big Thank You To Atinuke!

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